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"auto" : width() / parent().width() * 100 + "%", height: 1 > D ? height() / parent().height() * 100 + "%" : "auto", left: 0, top: 0 }); } } F.css({ opacity: 0, display: "block", position: "absolute", width: 1 > D ? o + "%" : "auto", height: 1 > D ? "auto" : o + "%", left: (100 - o * (1 > D ? 1 : D)) / 2 + "%", top: (100 - o * (1 > D ? 1 / D : 1)) / 2 + "%" }); } if (options.startZoom) { hideLoading(); } } AV(K, imgWidth, imgHeight, D, J); } if (options.enableRightClick) { $$("lightboxImage").mousemove(hoverNav); $$("lightboxImage").mouseout(outNav); } } function AV(K, imgWidth, imgHeight, D, J) { var Q = $$("imageContainer"); var F = $$("lightboxImage"); var lightbox = $$("lightbox"); if (!J) { var H = $$("lightboxImage2"); } if (options.startZoom) { F.fadeTo(resizeDuration * 1000, 1); if (!document.all) { $$("outerImageContainer").fadeTo(resizeDuration * 1000, 1); } } moveEffect(lightbox, K); if (options.startZoom && !J) { H.animate($.extend({ opacity: 0 }, D < 1 ? { height: "120%", top: "-10%", left: (100 - 120 / D) / 2 + "%"} : { width: "120%", left: "-10%", top: (100 - D * 120) / 2 + "%" }), { queue: false, duration: resizeDuration * 1000, complete: function () { $(this).remove(); } }); F.animate($.extend({ left: 0, top: 0 }, D < 1 ? { width: "100%"} : { height: "100%" }), { queue: false, duration: resizeDuration * 1000 }); } Q.animate({ width: imgWidth + "px", height: imgHeight + "px" }, { queue: false, duration: resizeDuration * 1000, complete: !J ? function () { showImage(); } : null }); } function moveEffect(lightbox, K) { lightbox.stop(true, false); lightbox.animate({ width: "100%", left: 0, top: K }, { queue: false, duration: resizeDuration * 1000 }); } function showLoading() { clearTimeout(showTimer); var loading = $$("loading"); loading.show(); loading.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); showTimer = setTimeout(function () { $$("loading").css({ visibility: "visible" }); }, 300); } function hideLoading() { clearTimeout(showTimer); $$("loading").hide(); } function showImage() { hideLoading(); if (options.startZoom) { $$("overlay:hidden").css({ opacity: 0 }).show().fadeTo(overlayDuration * 1000, options.overlayOpacity); showDetails(); } else { $$("lightboxImage").css({ opacity: 0 }).show().fadeTo(500, 1, function () { showDetails(); }); } AS(); } function updateDetails() { $$("caption").html(B[C].title || ""); if (B.length > 1) { var num_display = options.strings.numDisplayPrefix + " " + eval(C + 1) + " " + options.strings.numDisplaySeparator + " " + B.length; if (options.Ae && l) { num_display += " " + options.strings.numDisplaySeparator + " " + l; } $$("numberDisplay").text(num_display); $$("slideShowControl").css({ display: enableSlideshow ? "" : "none" }); } } function showDetails() { updateDetails(); if (options.descSliding) { $$("imageDataContainer").animate({ height: "show", opacity: "show" }, 650, null, function () { updateNav(); }); } else { updateNav(); } } function updateNav() { var d = 1 / B.length; m = m * (1 - d) + $$("imageDataContainer").height() * d; if (B.length > 1) { $$("prevLinkImg").show(); $$("nextLinkImg").show(); if (enableSlideshow) { if (playSlides) { AN(); } else { AO(); } } } AR(); } function AN() { if ($$("lightbox:hidden").length) { return; } V(); playSlides = true; k = setTimeout(function () { showNext(); }, options.slideTime * 1000); $$("slideShowControl").text(options.strings.stopSlideshow); $$("slideShowControl").addClass("started"); } function AO() { playSlides = false; V(); $$("slideShowControl").text(options.strings.startSlideshow); $$("slideShowControl").removeClass("started"); } function AH() { if (playSlides) { AO(); } else { AN(); } } function V() { if (k) { k = clearTimeout(k); } } function showNext() { if (B.length > 1) { V(); if (!options.loop && (C == B.length - 1 && c == 0 || C + 1 == c)) { end(); return; } if (C == B.length - 1) { O(0); } else { O(C + 1); } } } function O(imageNum) { if (options.descSliding) { $$("imageDataContainer").animate({ height: "hide", opacity: "hide" }, 650, null, function () { changeImage(imageNum); }); } else { changeImage(imageNum); } } function showPrev() { if (B.length > 1) { if (C == 0) { O(B.length - 1); } else { O(C - 1); } } } function showFirst() { if (B.length > 1) { O(0); } } function showLast() { if (B.length > 1) { O(B.length - 1); } } function AR() { document.onkeydown = keyboardAction; } function disableKeyboardNav() { document.onkeydown = ""; } function keyboardAction(e) { if (e == null) { keycode = event.keyCode; } else { keycode = e.which; } key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase(); if (key == "x" || key == "o" || key == "c") { end(); } else if (key == "p" || key == "%") { showPrev(); } else if (key == "n" || key == "'") { showNext(); } else if (key == "f") { showFirst(); } else if (key == "l") { showLast(); } else if (key == "s") { if (B.length > 0 && options.enableSlideshow) { AH(); } } } function AS() { var AT = B.length - 1 == C ? 0 : C + 1; (new Image).src = B[AT].link; var AQ = C == 0 ? B.length - 1 : C - 1; (new Image).src = B[AQ].link; } function end(Event) { if (Event) { var id = $(Event.target).attr("id"); if (getID("closeLink") != id && getID("lightbox") != id && getID("overlay") != id) { return; } } $$("imageContainer").stop(true, false); $$("lightboxImage").stop(true, false); I.onload = null; disableKeyboardNav(); V(); $$("lightbox").hide(); AU(); if (options.overlayOpacity) { $$("overlay").fadeOut(overlayDuration * 1000); } else { $$("overlay").hide(); } $(window).unbind("resize", v); $(window).unbind("scroll", v); $(window).unbind("resize", adjustOverlay); $(window).unbind("scroll", adjustOverlay); } function hoverNav(event) { if (event.pageX - $$("imageContainer").offset().left < $$("imageContainer").width() / 2) { $$("prevLinkImg").addClass("hover"); $$("nextLinkImg").removeClass("hover"); } else { $$("prevLinkImg").removeClass("hover"); $$("nextLinkImg").addClass("hover"); } } function outNav() { $$("prevLinkImg").removeClass("hover"); $$("nextLinkImg").removeClass("hover"); } function v() { AC(true); } function adjustOverlay() { $$("overlay").css({ left: AM().x + "px", top: 0, width: "100%", height: docWH()[1] + "px" }); } function AU() { var els; var tags = badObjects; for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { els = document.getElementsByTagName(tags[i]); for (var j = 0; j < els.length; j++) { $(els[j]).css({ visibility: "visible" }); } } } function Aa() { var tags = badObjects; for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { $(tags[i]).css({ visibility: "hidden" }); } } function AM() { var x, y; if (self.pageYOffset) { x = self.pageXOffset; y = self.pageYOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { x = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; y = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (document.body) { x = document.body.scrollLeft; y = document.body.scrollTop; } return { x: x, y: y }; } function w() { var N, M; if (self.innerHeight) { N = self.innerWidth; M = self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { N = document.documentElement.clientWidth; M = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { N = document.body.clientWidth; M = document.body.clientHeight; } return { AL: N, s: M }; } function docWH() { var b = document.body, e = document.documentElement, w = 0, h = 0; if (e) { w = Math.max(w, e.scrollWidth, e.offsetWidth); h = Math.max(h, e.scrollHeight, e.offsetHeight); } if (b) { w = Math.max(w, b.scrollWidth, b.offsetWidth); h = Math.max(h, b.scrollHeight, b.offsetHeight); if (window.innerWidth) { w = Math.max(w, window.innerWidth); h = Math.max(h, window.innerHeight); } } return [w, h]; } function getID(id) { return options.prefix + id; } function $$(name) { return $("#" + getID(name)); } return this; }; })(jQuery);